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The day I bought my WinRAR license

This post is about WinRAR. We all know WinRAR for it’s never expiring trial period and the annoying pop-up that we have massively ignored for decades now. At least, in the personal space. I think there are not that many people that bought a WinRAR license for their personal computer, out of principles, guilt, or even accidentally. Including me. I have never owned a WinRAR license myself. But that has changed. I actually bought my very own license last month.… 

One year anniversary

This month, becomes one year old. On February 16th 2020, the first article went live. Shortly after that, the world was going into lockdown. Time to look back and share some experiences. How it started Sharing knowledge is something I really love to do. From the first day in IT, sharing insights, thoughts and knowledge was something that sort of naturally came with the job. From that point forward, I wrote some small articles here and there, mostly in… 

Control access from unmanaged devices with Cloud App Security

When COVID-19 hit the world, most people had to work from home. I can imagine that a lot of organizations were not ready for this. So they might have ended up letting their employees working from their personal devices. In some way, this is what we always preached: anywhere, anytime, and on any device. But when you enable Bring Your Own Devices for Microsoft 365 services, there is a lot to think of. Amongst others, the main challenge is to… 

Set additional clocks to Windows 10 using Intune

When you work for an international company, or you have to deliver support in other timezones, you might find yourself Googling for time in different timezones from time to time. At least I did. Then I start looking for a way to make this easier and I was thinking to use BGInfo do reflect the time on my background. When struggling with this for 2 hours, I accidentally stumbled upon this setting, where you can display 2 additional clocks: I…