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Block users from viewing their BitLocker keys

This post is mainly focused on a new tenant setting, where you can prevent your end-users from viewing their Bitlocker keys. By design, your users can see Bitlocker keys from devices they own from the MyAccount portal. My Account ( For some (large) enterprise organizations, this is an unwanted feature. Changing the setting Using PowerShell or Graph API, you can now disable this feature. This will apply to the entire tenant so that users without proper permissions will no longer… 

Download Intune PowerShell scripts with Graph Explorer

This quick post will show an easy method to fetch your PowerShell scripts after you have uploaded them using the Intune management portal. Unfortunately, the portal does not provide a UI to download the script content as soon as you hit that save button. Graph Explorer to the rescue There are multiple ways to do this using PowerShell scripts. If you want to bulk download all the scripts in your tenant, I recommend using this method, created by Oliver Kieselbach.… 

Microsoft 365 self-service using Power Apps

This article was originally posted on the Microsoft 365 PnP Blog. I was inspired by this post from Loryan Strant, that used Microsoft Forms to add users to an Azure AD group so that they were upgraded to Windows 11. With that in mind, I created a mock-up and posted it on Twitter. Based on the reactions, I added this idea to my ToDo list. Fellow MVP Albert-Jan Schot also replied, and I asked him if he would like to… 

Food for thought – Bring Your Own Disaster.

Today a slightly different blog post. It’s a common discussion that I face almost daily. Clients that embrace the “anywhere, anytime, any device” approach, and want to take control over their data. And that’s not as easy as it sounds. The problem One of the most common challenges that organizations face when embracing the modern workplace, is the one with Bring Your Own Devices. Personal devices. Devices in all flavors and sizes. Devices from different hardware vendors, with different operating… 

Set additional clocks to Windows 10 using Intune

When you work for an international company, or you have to deliver support in other timezones, you might find yourself Googling for time in different timezones from time to time. At least I did. Then I start looking for a way to make this easier and I was thinking to use BGInfo do reflect the time on my background. When struggling with this for 2 hours, I accidentally stumbled upon this setting, where you can display 2 additional clocks: I… 

Install Windows Package Manager (winget) using Intune

Microsoft released a preview of the Windows Package Manager. I’m not going into detail about the product itself, because there are a lot of (better) alternatives for this already in the market. Today, we focus on how to get this tool installed on your endpoints, so you can use it for your software distribution. In this approach I use the APPX package. Normally I would use the Business Store for this, that version does not (yet) contain the winget feature.… 

Manage Teams custom backgrounds using Intune

Update! I got some feedback on this blog. Seems that if your users are not members of the local administrator group, install will faill with error: 0x80070001. I’ve updated the article to solve this problem. I replaced the cmd files for Powershell scripts and did some minor changes to the detection and uninstall scripts. This should now work for users without admin permissions. Microsoft introduced background effects in Teams. All of a sudden you see people having their custom backgrounds.…